Friday, February 17, 2012

Building Trust And Confidence With Your Email List By Having A Clear Privacy Policy

Internet privacy is a major issue today because it is very important that a person's sensitive information is always protected and kept safe, and that it is not vulnerable to any sort of a security breach. Privacy is especially important when you are dealing with email marketing, because people need to know that you are ethical and that you are not ever going to sell their contact information to a third-party at any point in the future (in fact there are laws against this).

A great tip that you can incorporate into your email marketing campaign is to have a small statement regarding your privacy policy clearly visible on the sign-up form where a person enters their first name and email address. A small icon and a statement that says something like "we take your privacy seriously" will let the person know that you are a professional and that it is alright for them to trust you. This notice can also link to your full privacy policy, which you should always have on your website if you collect any sort of personal data.

With every email that you send out to your list you are likely going to include an email signature, and a small message that reiterates your privacy policy regarding their personal information can go in your signature as well. This is especially important if you decide to collect more personal information than just their email address, by doing things like putting together a survey based on the sorts of products that you are offering to your list.

Think about this: Would you ever make a purchase based on the information you received in an email from someone that you did not trust? Trust is a very important aspect of building online relationships that lead to sales, and someone who is just out for a quick buck and a fast sale might not be deserving of that trust. Strive to be a trustworthy marketer with personality and heart, instead of being nothing but another spammer that tries to market worthless offers to as many people as possible.

If you do your email marketing by creating an autoresponder sequence, it might be a good idea to include your privacy policy information in the first email that they receive where you tell them that their personal information is secure and will never be shared with anyone else. This is the first step to building a long-term relationship with your email subscribers based on providing them with value, and building this kind of trust can really be your ticket to making money with email marketing.

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